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Greenberg Legal Group LLC

Call Now (410) 650-4242

Your Respected Family Law Attorney in Calvert County, MD

Are you worried you won’t get what you deserve in your divorce settlement? Greenberg Legal Group LLC will protect your rights and secure your financial future.

When a marriage ends, you’re confronted with new problems with no easy solution. Everything you’ve worked hard for - a home, a family, a secure financial future - is up for grabs and division. Who gets the house? What about your joint bank accounts and investments? If children are involved, how do you protect them?

Dividing assets, determining custody and calculating child support in divorce litigation is an unpleasant, often ruthless business, even between amicable exes. It's natural to feel you're not up to the task. However, no matter how uncertain you’re feeling about the future, you’ve never needed to be more clear-headed than now. If you want a settlement that secures your family’s well-being, you need a family lawyer you can trust. 

Fortunately, a leading family law firm already serves clients in Calvert County, MD. Let Greenberg Legal Group LLC help you negotiate a settlement that protects every aspect of your future.

Call Now | (410) 650-4242

How Can You Help Your Attorney Present The Best Version Of You In A Divorce Case?

Your Respected Family Law Attorney in Calvert County, MD

The best way to protect you, your children and your assets in a divorce proceeding is to ensure the Court sees you in the best possible light. There are steps you can take to make that happen. These strategies require a little effort, but the dividends will be worth it. It’s mostly a matter of how careful you are about the image you present.

Being Honest And Communicative With Your Attorney

Your family lawyer is committed to advocating effectively for your rights in a divorce. To do that, they need you to tell them everything - good, bad or indifferent. Keep in mind that everything you say to your lawyer is protected by attorney-client privilege.

There may be facts in your case that are detrimental to the settlement you seek. Still, your attorney needs to be apprised of that information. Chances are, your ex's lawyer already knows or will discover these details. You want to prepare your attorney to handle harmful disclosures about you that may surface during settlement. 

A skilled family lawyer will have strategies for confronting inconvenient facts that impact your case. Full disclosure with your lawyer is always the best policy, so they're prepared to stay ahead of any surprises.

Avoid Social Media

Social media is increasingly cited as a cause for divorce. That situation won't improve once the divorce is underway. For your peace of mind, avoid stalking or trolling your ex's social media. Leave that to your counsel. These stressful practices won't be helpful for your psychological well-being and won't contribute to you being your best self during your divorce proceedings.

More importantly, don’t post on social media. Your ex’s divorce attorney will scrutinize your social media accounts for evidence to use against you. Comments, opinions, photos, check-ins and shared posts, no matter how harmless they seem to you, can be fodder for opposing counsel to discredit you in the eyes of the Court. Even posts you consider upbeat or harmless can be manipulated to make you look bad.

Call Now | (410) 650-4242

Document All Communication In A Custody Dispute

Your Respected Family Law Attorney in Calvert County, MD

Often, in a custody dispute, your ex-spouse will misstate or mischaracterize something you said. They may even lie, claiming you said something you never did. If there is no record of disputed communications, conversations and interactions, you can lose credibility supporting your claim for custody. For this reason, you need to document everything that transpires between you and your ex-spouse.

Any emails, voicemail messages or texts between you and your ex relating to your child’s or children’s welfare should be saved and given to your attorney. If the communication is a conversation between both of you, create a log of what was said, where it was said, when it was said and any relevant context. 

While you are documenting all communications with your ex-spouse, consider they might be doing the same. That means you should be ever mindful that everything you say or commit to writing could be used against you. Consider everything you communicate to your ex-spouse through the lens of how it will make you look in the custody dispute. Don’t say anything you’d regret later or that would damage your claim for custody.

Greenberg Legal Group LLC: Your Family Law Services Firm in Calvert County, MD

Don’t go through a painful divorce case alone. Choose a firm with experience and compassion.

If you're going through a divorce or dealing with other family law matters, you want attorneys with experience you can trust. Robert Greenberg is widely acclaimed and professionally recognized in all aspects of family law.

If you have questions about the division of assets, child custody or any other family law matter, call (410) 650-4242 today for an initial consultation and answers.

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